Tuesday, March 1, 2011

One day, We will be remembered.

Hi guys.
I know that I spend a lot of my time apologizing these days...
And here it is again: I'm sorry! I'm failing on one of my New Year's Resolutions to write muchly and often.
And I'm sure that you guys miss me oh so much when I go for days, even weeks without posting! [Love you guys, srsly.]

So I promise, Promise, PROMISE that I will write real blog posts later on today.. Probably two.. or three..
We'll see.

You can also reach me on Tumblr.
I have recently gotten into Formspring as well, so if you guys have questions and things like that, you can find the link for that on Tumblr, and I'll do my best to answer them here as well as there!
My Tumblr is mostly photos and things like that, so don't worry! I will always blog here!

Thanks so much.


Love Always,
Emma Cate

1 comment:

  1. We do miss you, and look forward to your future posts. I'll be sending questions to your formspring soon I'm sure. :)
